Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Two of the three projects on the GlobalGiving site, helping girls' education in Burkina Faso and planting trees in Moroccan villages, are doing well. The Burkina Faso project is 2/3 of the waya to its $13,000 goal. The project in Morocco has further to go, but already has raised almost $3,000.

I don't know why there's so much less interest in the project to promote agriculture in Thailand. The Thailand project only has raised $300 to date, much less than either of the others. Why is this? Any ideas anyone?

Please give before the December 15 GlobalGiving challenge deadline!

Remember, only 100 individual donations of $10 or more generates an additional $5,000 from GlobalGiving. This is a real challenge; if it is not met, then these great projects will not get the extra money.


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At 1:35 PM, Blogger Rabi Sanfo said...

To respond to your question about "why there's so much less interest in the project to promote agriculture in Thailand", I think a good place to start is by asking the Friends of Thailand what they did to mobilize their constituents. Perhaps it's not so much a question of interest, but of awareness of the project and GG campaign.

Speaking for myself, I was contacted by the VP of Friends of Burkina Faso, to forward on a message about the GG campaign. I posted this request on the MN RPCV listserve, posted it on my blog, emailed it on to family and friends, etc. Another Burkina RPCV posted it on our training groups' listserve. I have since posted an update on my blog, and plan to let people know when we have reached the goal!

If you find that the Friends of Thailand did the same as far as marketing, then maybe it's time to focus on country and project differences.

At 1:01 PM, Blogger Dennis Whittle said...

Tony - we have two winners!!

I will post the results on my blog shortly:


And they will appear on www.globalgiving.com shortly after that!

At 8:13 PM, Blogger Curt Beckmann said...

We at Appropedia are working to support Peace Corps and other international aid projects by providing a place to document (for funding help, as well as for sharing success and what-not-to-do).

Check us out and let us know what you think!


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